Why Meda Ayur-Yoga Peta
Mauritius compromising of 1,275,986 populations where about 85% or more of the population are sick actually. This is very serious as:
– Overweight & obesity are 35.2% with an estimate of 398417 people,
– Diabetes is 22.8% with an estimate of 257442 people and pre diabetes is 19.4%
– Hypertension is 28.5%,
– Lipids abnormality (abnormal cholesterol & other blood fats) are 66% in one of the four lipids
– Smoking is 19.7%,
– Physical inactivity eg no Yoga, no sports are 77.2%
– Alcohol consumption is 90 % in women & 85.4% in men with a light drinking habit fewer than two drinks per day & 52.8 % with an excess of alcohol consumption
– Kidney disease (albuminuria) is 6.8%
– Disability is 9.8%
– Depression is 16%
– Asthma is 8.9%
(Reference: Government of Mauritius, Ministry of Health & Quality of life, Mauritius, The Mauritius Non Communicable Diseases Survey 2015 pages 17, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32 etc)